Dentist in Stavanger

A fantastic dental experience

Contact us

Tlf: 51 56 59 00
Send us an email >

Opening hours

Monday – Friday 08:00 – 15:30
Late appointments can be arranged with the individual dentist.


Randabergveien 45, 4025 Stavanger
Byhaugen / Tasta

Dentist in Stavanger

A fantastic dental experience


Tlf: 51 56 59 00
Send us an email >>

Opening hours

Monday – Friday 08:00 – 15:30
Late appointments can be arranged with the individual dentist.


Randabergveien 45, 4025 Stavanger
Byhaugen / Tasta

Why choose us?

– Long experience from private and public dental clinics.
– High professional level.
– We focus on the patient and have good experience with patients with a fear of the dentist.
– Good cooperation with skilled specialists.

Our vision is to help you as a patient take care of your dental health in the best possible way

Welcome to Tasta Tannklinikk

The clinic was started in autumn 2011 in Randabergveien, and until 2024 has been called Tannklinikk Omholt, Lie & Island.

Do you need a dentist in Stavanger?
Contact us by phone or email.

Why choose us?

– Long experience from private and public dental clinics.
– High professional level.
– We focus on the patient and have good experience with patients with a fear of the dentist.
– Good cooperation with skilled specialists.

Our vision is to help you as a patient take care of your dental health in the best possible way

Useful information:

– Offers rapid emergency care
– Free parking
– Student discount
– Clinic on ground level. Easy accessibility.
– Direct settlement with HELFO

Dental services in Stavanger

Dental check up, consultation & examination
Dental fillings, crowns & prosthetics
Cosmetic dentistry
Teeth whitening

The dentists

Our dentists have a high level of competence and extensive experience. We can offer a wide range of services within dental health in nice premises with modern equipment in Stavanger.

Karianne R. Øyri


MNTF. Cand. odont.
Pomeranian Medical University 2012
Our dentist since 2011

Long Giang Nguyen


MNTF. Cand. odont.
Universitetet i Bergen 2015
Our dentist since 2021

Elsa Marie Lie


MNTF. Cand. odont. Bergen 1987. Tilleggsutdanning: Sertifikat laserbehandling

Pia Hunsbeth


MNTF. Cand. Odont 1995, Oslo Tilleggsutdanning: Odontofobi/tannlegeskrekk

New patients



If you are anxious about visiting the dentist, we make sure to set extra time for you. Your first visit starts with a conversation, examination and x-rays.

Booking / Appointment

You are welcome to book an appointment with us. We welcome you for both rutine checks and urgent matters. We are your dentist in Stavanger.

First consultation

On the first consultation, we will take a close look at your teeth, jaws, take x-rays and perform cleansing. If you need more dental treatment, a second appointment is made.

Health information

At the first consultation, you must complete a health information form. It is important for us to get accurate information about your health status and the medicines you may use. Certain diseases may provide for the benefit of the treatment of dental care.

Prices & payment

If you need comprehensive dental treatment, we will provide you with a treatment plan and a cost estimate. If there are several alternative solutions for dental treatment, we will inform you about this.
With us, you can pay by card or cash.

Cancellations and changes

Please call 51 56 59 00 for cancellations or changes to your appointment.

If you need to cancel an appointment, this must be done 24 hours beforehand. If you do not meet upon the agreed appointment, you will be charged with 80% of the hourly rate.

Where are we located?

Our entrance is at the second level of Vitus Apotek and Byhaugen Medical Center. Kiwi is located on the ground floor.

PARKING: 2 hours free parking

Need an appointment today?

You are more than welcome to book an appointment with us. We can help you if you need urgent help or if you just want routine check-ups.

Tlf: 51 56 59 00

Book your appointment here